Saturday, January 30, 2010


Ok so i finally got my license....yayy!
I've spent the past 180 days worrying about this day. How will i do? All i could think about was what if i fail this test? The week before i had been telling everyone that i was going to get it. Wow, it would of been embarrassing if i walked back into school and didn't have that orange sticker.
So at 12:00pm my mom checked me out of school....i got into the car and drove to the testing sight. i was a whole 30 minutes early. The guy sits down in the passenger seat and i swear to you he is sweating more than me. I started pulling off, and before i know it the test was over and i could See my mom passing back and forth. I pulled the car over and i let out a sigh of relief when he handed me back my permit with the orange sticker on it. As soon as i walked into school the biggest smile ever fell across my face, and it wouldn't go away. I don't know why i was so excited, but for some reason it made me feel more mature.


Nicholas Sparks

"If conversation was the lyrics, laughter was the music, making time spent together a melody that could be replayed over and over without getting stale."
"There are no monuments dedicated to me and my name will soon be forgotten, but i've loved another with all my heart and soul, and to me this has always been enough."
(The Notebook)
"So it's not gonna be easy. It's going to be really hard; we're gonna have to work at this everyday, but i wan to do that because i want you. I want all of you, forever, everyday. You and me.....everday."
(The Notebook)
"I finally understood what true love meant that you care for another person's happiness more than your own, no matter how painful the choices you face might be."
(Dear John)
"It's possible to go on, no matter how impossible it seems, and that in time, the grief ... lessens. It may not go away completely, but after a while it's not so overwhelming."
(Dear John)
"Without suffering, there'd be no compassion."
(A Walk to Remember)
"Without you in my arms, i feel an emptiness in my soul. I find myself searching the crowds for your face- i know it's an impossibility, but i cannot help myself."
(Message in a Bottle)
"Sometimes you have to be apart from people you love, but that doesn't make you love them any less. Sometimes you love them more."
(The Last Song)
Sometimes I sit and wonder how could someone know so much about love and life? I would give anything to meet this man.

Friday, January 29, 2010

One good lookin MAN!

"My only obligation is to keep myself and other people guessing."
-Jude Law
Why be normal? Why fit in?
Do what makes you happy! Have spontaneous moments! I want to live my life this way; I want to keep people guessing. I don't want to be predictable or boring. I want people on the edge of their seat, almost like an action movie. Im not trying to say I want to be the center of attention, but I just want to have fun and for people to notice! Does that make sense?

I mean look at Jude law, he knows what he wants in life, and well he can do what ever. Seriously anybody that good lookin can.

My Prince

My Prince...My fairytale ending!

yeah, I am still waiting for the day that I meet my Prince and live happily ever after. So for now I will just kiss as many frogs as I can until one of them turns out to be my prince in disguise. Maybe we are not all meant to have a fairytale ending, but I'm sure as heck gonna try!

things just fit!

"Good friends are like stars! You don't always see them, but you know they are always there"
What can i say? i think i have the best friends in the world!
No words come close to describe them, but i shall try.
When i am being myself, people see this weird goofy blonde girl!
Well these wonderful people i call my friends think that too but they accept it and usually join in!
They just understand me, and aren't afraid to be goofy!
Yeah, me and my friends are made for each other, things just fit!

Monday, January 25, 2010


oh the adventures in my IB biology class. One day while our awesome teacher was trying to teach us something blah blah blah boring about biology we were having a conversation about rolls. we began to talk about all those little rolls that we love to eat on Thanksgiving. My friend Hope decides to go into great detail about her mom's rolls. She told us that the day after Thanksgiving her mom cuts up the rolls to make baby toast. As soon as she said this our whole side of the class started rolling. HAHA! i don't really know why we thought it was funny, just sometimes we find the most random things hilarious. So we decided that we are getting together and having baby toast with baby carrots and baby sandwiches! OH, our adventures in BATE's class :)

The Missing Piece

We all spend our life looking for that perfect someone to make our life complete; to make our world go round. its not that we want just anyone, we want someone who can make us happy. Along the way we go through ruff patches where things seem to be going well and then it does a 180. We have relationships that go so wrong, and then there are some that go so right. When nothing seems to be going the way it should we begin to feel down about ourselves. like in the story we have friends along the way that show us how great we really are, and maybe even make us realize that we don't need someone in our life to make us happy. Maybe i should be my own piece, maybe i should just sit back and be happy with what i have. All i need is my friends and the memories we share. If it just so happen that along my journey of life i fount my missing piece and it allowed me to still do the things i love, well then that is something i call fate. And i wouldn't have it any other way!

Thursday, January 14, 2010


I feel so unbreakable and yet i am fragile. Tell me how to feel and i will feel . Teach me how to love and i will do so.

I stand here in this dark abyss.

I wonder how?...I wonder why?

Why am I the way I am? It is because of people like you that I second guess myself.

Then it hits me like a ray of light. I am who I am because this is how he made me.

So I will no longer stand here and sulk, but now I will hold strong.

I will bare myself to the world and not care because I am bulletproof.

Take your best shot because I have an armor of faith and friends, that I know will let nothing bad pass through.

"Love is my Sword, friends my Armor, and Humor my Sheild!"

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Something to think about

what are our ideals?
How much are we in control of ourselves?
How well do we know ourselves?
My ideal life basically consists of being happy and striving to make others happy too. waking up everyday to the ones i love. taking each breathe as it comes and not having any regrets. To live each minute as a miracle that is unrepeatable, which is exactly what it is, a miracle and unrepeatable. Ill strive to be the best i can and achieve success. I mean who doesn't want to be happy? Who doesn't want to love their life? I believe that as long as i have happiness and love in my life it will be perfection. In my next thirty years i see myself out of college and pursuing a career in athletic training, with a family of course. I just want to be surrounded by my friends and family.
When asked how much are we in control of ourselves i have to reflect on all the strong influences in my life. The main one would be God, and my religion. It is because of my religion that i know how to choose from right and wrong. I'm not always sure if what i am doing is right, but that is what my savior asks of me so i have an obligation to do it. Another strong influence on every one's life would be their government. Sure people are always saying that they want to be rebellious but it could just because the government gives you these restrictions. With out them telling you not to, do you actually think you would attempt to do it?
How well do i know myself? well in all honesty, i don't. i know for a fact i don't know my true self. i only know what people have told me. People always tell me i am a happy person that is always smiling and in a good mood. The truth is i don't always feel that way, but that is they way i act because that is what people expect from me. i know i always try to live up to my expectations even if i don't feel like it. i feel like if i don't then i wont be happy, and if I'm not happy i wont be able to live my ideal life.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Wind Storm 09'

i hate waking up early on Sunday morning to go to church, but i guess i have to. As i start to get ready i take a quick glance out my window and notice the trees are swaying back and forth, no big deal. i walked outside and opened my car door,i sit down in the seat and i feel the car moving all by itself. i wait a few minutes to see what would happen,then i start to pull out of my driveway and i notice the car being pulled across the yellow line. i begin driving faster, and faster so i could get to church quicker and not have to be in this wind anymore. i step out of my car and immediately my hair goes in every direction from the stupid wind, and on top of that the air was humid. As i am sitting in church i hear this whistling noise coming from the stained glass windows. i just blew it off and didn't pay attention. The back doors swing open and everyone seems to dart out of there. i see limbs flying in every direction,and the sky is just as dark as night. i take only a few steps and feel myself being pulled toward the opposite direction i was heading. i am thinking how in the heck am i going to drive home. i step in my car and begin to drive off and this time i decide to take it slower than the last. i just want to be cautious.

finally i make it to my house and the wind is blowing so hard the few trees we have in my yard are laying down. i see siding being ripped away from the side of buildings all around me. this is the most i have been scared in my entire life. i don't know what is going to happen next.