Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Wind Storm 09'

i hate waking up early on Sunday morning to go to church, but i guess i have to. As i start to get ready i take a quick glance out my window and notice the trees are swaying back and forth, no big deal. i walked outside and opened my car door,i sit down in the seat and i feel the car moving all by itself. i wait a few minutes to see what would happen,then i start to pull out of my driveway and i notice the car being pulled across the yellow line. i begin driving faster, and faster so i could get to church quicker and not have to be in this wind anymore. i step out of my car and immediately my hair goes in every direction from the stupid wind, and on top of that the air was humid. As i am sitting in church i hear this whistling noise coming from the stained glass windows. i just blew it off and didn't pay attention. The back doors swing open and everyone seems to dart out of there. i see limbs flying in every direction,and the sky is just as dark as night. i take only a few steps and feel myself being pulled toward the opposite direction i was heading. i am thinking how in the heck am i going to drive home. i step in my car and begin to drive off and this time i decide to take it slower than the last. i just want to be cautious.

finally i make it to my house and the wind is blowing so hard the few trees we have in my yard are laying down. i see siding being ripped away from the side of buildings all around me. this is the most i have been scared in my entire life. i don't know what is going to happen next.

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