Thursday, March 4, 2010

The Dead Poet's Society

Carpe Diem, seize the day!
I loved this movie.Every word that was spoken was pure genius. The teacher actually cared about his students, and went out of his way to show them what poetry was really about. "O, Captain, My Captain" this is what the students would say when they addressed their teacher Mr. Keating. He taught them to look at the world in a new way. Mr. Keating would always go beyond what the school wanted him to do.

He introduced something so special to these group of boys. The dead poet's society allowed that group of guys to bond and to feel poetry flow through them like blood in their veins. The end of this movie sends chills up my spine, the way the class showed how much they loved their teacher. To show him that they knew it wasn't his fault. To show Mr. Keating that he meant something to them.
Carpe Diem, Seize the day!

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