Wednesday, November 4, 2009

if i could have just one more day with you

if i could live one day over again it would be the May 6, 2007. This was the day before my grandpa passed away. that day i went to my grandparents house and i spent the whole day sitting and talking with them. we reminisced over memories from my childhood and he told me war stories the best he could. my grandpa was in the Navy in the Vietnam War. He would try and mumble out the best he could all the ways him and his buddies got in trouble during the old days. i would just sit there and laugh at how silly he was. My grandpa was almost like a vegetable. He could not walk or move on his own. He had been bed ridden for at least a year or so. Before then my grandma or my dad and his brother would come over and help get him out of bed and give him a bath or move him to his chair. My grandpa had many health problems and one of those was Parkinson's Disease. This caused him to have uncontroleable jitters. It was like none of his muscles would work for him. He could do nothing for himself. On this saturday i spent the whole day sitting with him in his house, jsut talking and laughing with him. i didnt even try to imagine the rest of my life without hm. I loved my grandpa with all my heart. I would give anything to spend one more day with him. Just to go back to the day before and live it forever. RIP Frank Rineheart Schadler Jr.

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